This Weeks Workout
Warm up
Easy pace jog 2 min’s followed by 5 minute dynamic warm-up.
Work out
Med - ball Russian twists
Sand bag military press
Sand bag overhead squats
Olympic ring chin - up's
Backward lunges with twist
Sand bag bent over rows
Press up with med ball pass
Reverse Crunches
Do 10 reps per exercise, complete circuit 3 times, tempo 4.0.1 (be strict), rest 45 secs between each circuit.
Warm down - 5 mins
Enjoy ;-)
Easy pace jog 2 min’s followed by 5 minute dynamic warm-up.
Work out
Med - ball Russian twists
Sand bag military press
Sand bag overhead squats
Olympic ring chin - up's
Backward lunges with twist
Sand bag bent over rows
Press up with med ball pass
Reverse Crunches
Do 10 reps per exercise, complete circuit 3 times, tempo 4.0.1 (be strict), rest 45 secs between each circuit.
Warm down - 5 mins
Enjoy ;-)